My name is Balázs Fodor, I am a professional translator, interpreter and language teacher of English and German
Today foreign languages are playing a crucial role in our lives. Students are supposed to speak at least one foreign language and the number of adults who start learning foreign languages is increasing, because it is a huge advantage to speak foreign languages in Hungary and it is, of course, essential for those who would like to work abroad.
Besides, most Hungarian companies have partners abroad. As a result of this, demand for translating and interpreting is growing.
Since I have been dealing with English and German for more than two decades, I have decided to choose translation, interpretation and foreign language teaching as my professions, because foreign languages have always been important for me.
In the last few years I had the opportunity to translate and interpret in different topics and through foreign language teaching I managed to help people to reach their goals.
I translated the Voice of the Village (VoV) EU project – project number HUSRB/1002/222/033 – of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme and
the brochures of the project Protection and restoration of habitats on the areas of the Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate (Élőhelyvédelem és helyreállítás a Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság területein), project number KEOP-3.1.2/2F/09-11-2012-0014.
I interpreted for the Weld.hu Kft in Austria in technical topic.
I teach English and German for musical talents in the Snétberger Music Talent Centre.
I believe in thorough, well-prepared work in translation, interpretation and foreign language teaching as well, because work is valuable only, if clients are satisfied at the end and they can reach their goals.
Foreign language teaching
I teach English and German
• at language schools
• for companies
• in form of private lessons for one person or smaller groups.
1 (60 mins) lesson: 10 EUR
Prices for foreign language teaching can vary due to the length of the lessons (45 mins), the length of the course, the type of the course (private lessons or a course at a language school), the number and regularity of the lessons and several other factors. For a precise quotation, please send me an e-mail or call me on phone or on skype.
The aim can be
• a language exam,
• a school leaving exam,
• coaching or
• working abroad.
English – Hungarian
Hungarian – English
German – Hungarian
Hungarian – German
Consecutive and escort interpreting
Consecutive interpreting:
– 40 EUR/hour
– 160 EUR/4 hours
– 280 EUR/8 hours
Escort interpreting:
– 40 EUR/hour
– 160 EUR/4 hours
– 280 EUR/8 hours
An hour of interpretation means each started hour of interpretation.
Prices for interpretation vary from project to project greatly. This is due to the length of the project (e.g.: a whole week), place (at home or abroad) and several other factors. For a precise quotation, please send me an e-mail or call me on phone or on skype.
Consecutive interpreting: this kind of interpreting means that the interpreter speaks after one of the speakers has finished speaking. The speech is divided into segments and when the speaker (A) finishes speaking, the interpreter renders the message in the mother tongue of the other speaker (B). After that the interpreter renders the speech of B to A.
Escort interpreting: it is almost the same as consecutive interpreting. The difference is that in this case the interpreter has the role of an assistant (besides interpreting) by helping the client to navigate or ask for information while they are travelling on business trips.
English – Hungarian
Hungarian – English
German – Hungarian
Hungarian – German
In order to establish a fair price, prices are calculated on the basis of characters including the spaces, because there can be any number of characters on a page depending on the type, font size, number of pictures or tables on a page. Prices are always established on the basis of the translated (target language) text. The number of characters can be checked, if you go on the Review tab, in the Proofing group and click on Word Count (Characters with spaces).
On the basis of the above information, the prices are the following:
English – Hungarian: 0.0050 EUR/characters including the spaces
Hungarian – English: 0.0067 EUR/characters including the spaces
German – Hungarian: 0.0050 EUR/characters including the spaces
Hungarian – German: 0.0067 EUR/characters including the spaces
In case of urgency (24-48 hours) the prices are doubled.
Prices for translation vary from project to project greatly. This is due to the length of the text, deadline and several other factors. For a precise quotation, please send me an e-mail or call me on phone or on skype.
In translation various topics or genres can emerge, like:
• websites
• advertisement: leaflets, catalogues
• brochures, company profiles, manuals
• contracts
• quotations, applications
• business and private correspondence
• CVs, letters of application, application forms, certificates and other documents
• phone calls and correspondence in connection with job applications
• articles, dissertations, theses and research papers
• literary texts and texts of popular science
• publications for tourists, menus
• books and publications.
But these are just some examples, of course, I am looking forward to translating any other texts.
The obligation to maintain secrecy is, of course, a basic principle concerning all the translations!